Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rick Perry's Definition of Improvement

Is cutting our public education budget necessary? Sigh. If Rick Perry was anti-abortion, the least he could do is provide an adequate fund for students in schools.

Rick Perry was recently reported to cut 5 billion dollars from public schools; which include pre-kindergarten, teachers’ pay, art education, universities, colleges, and much more. Apparently, because Texas “is facing a $15 billion revenue shortfall” (Castro. 9, Jan 2011), the cut will spare us for a couple more years. But why reduce the budget on something valuable as education? Students gaining education provide better opportunities for jobs which will benefit the state in the long run (helping others, improving technology, inventing new medicines, etc.). The government should not cut from education; instead, Perry should focus on other sources that have alternatives that can tolerate the budget changes or programs that are useless. For instance, the state should cut state programs that don’t provide any essential services and benefits toward us. This will spare us a great amount of money without cutting down budgets from significant programs. I mean, most of our state budget is involved in arbitrary and unnecessary events… why cut from our crucial possessions?
With the school budget cut, “100,000” children would no longer have access to pre-kindergarten, schools won’t get help building new science labs and would end a program that helps students earn promotion to the next grade” (Castro. 9, Jan 2011). Just perceiving his plan makes me utterly disappointed. I can’t understand how this will benefit children and teenagers, who will soon need careers and maintain families in the future. Education and gaining knowledge is just too important to reduce money from. Jobs equal money; education triggers jobs… without education, it will be difficult for those to earn money. Therefore, we wouldn’t be able to pay an appropriate amount of taxes which will cause a downfall for our state. Rick Perry… think! 

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