Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"The Blind Response"

Governor Rick Perry has invited the Texas nation to gather, pray, and fast in Houston, Texas for America’s struggle. The purpose was to honor God spiritually (according to the bible) and hope for a positive response towards our country. However, author Rachel Farris (from her blog, Mean Rachel) find Perry’s speech arbitrary and ridiculous due to the fact that starvation and praying won’t provide a higher benefit. The only way we can improve our country is to work for it; “it is opening your eyes and helping those you can.” (Rachel Farris. Mean Rachel. 07 June 2011, <http://www.meanrachel.com/2011/06/blind-response.html>) Rachel’s controversy allows Texans to decide whether the praying/fasting nonsense will actually benefit America… obviously, her argument says otherwise.

I completely agree with her thoughts. The best way to stabilize this apparatus is to actually work for it. Because I’m agnostic, I don’t believe in the bible, God’s affect on billions of individuals, and serendipity of success. In order to achieve in something (that being reducing our country’s crisis), we have to recognize our problems and discover ways to take critical steps to reach our goals. If our issues only relied on our hopes and dreams, nothing will get done. This is why individuals go to school, work late hours on jobs, teach young children to read and do math problems, etc…to accomplish something that benefit us and our surroundings. It’s the state governor’s obligation to provide what’s best for our nation and to work with us to improve significant issues. Perry needs to realize that the “prayer for our nation in crisis” is just farcical in many ways. We have to stop dreaming and continue using our knowledge and passion to create prosperity.

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