Thursday, August 4, 2011

Legal immigration an issue?

A classmate, the owner of the blog Hook ‘em Freedom, discussed the issues of legal immigration in Texas. Although Texas has a strict and secured system for illegal immigrants entering our state, the approval of legal immigrants’ applications increased. This conflict affects the job opportunities for Texans, increase in unemployment rates, and accumulate the government’s budget. However, the benefits of these immigrants are bringing more economy to the government (they have to pay taxes too), increase the minority majority, and possibly shift the government’s views and effectiveness.

It’s anticipating that Texas is gaining population from both legal and illegal immigration today. Although legal immigration is not much of an issue, the extraction of illegal immigrants is still a struggle. I don’t agree that our system is effective in protecting our state from illegal immigration because thousands of undocumented aliens enter Texas each year. It’s also been stated that we have a broken immigration system and it’s not fair or right towards Texas citizens.
Okay, about legal immigration… yes, it provides better opportunities and more diversity but the costs outweigh the benefits for our state. The issue that current Texans can’t find jobs is due to immigration taking over the job opportunities. I could care less if they provide minor benefits because we can easily provide that (such as diversity… we have enough minorities. These individuals’ reproduction, along with natural selection, will create a much greater diversity without the need of new immigrants coming to our state).
My classmate indicated that legal immigrants introduce more taxpayers, which will prevent the rise in taxes for other citizens. BUT think about, what triggers the increase in taxes? Yes, more people accessing into our state. If we didn’t have a skyrocketed population of immigrants in Texas (regardless if they’re legal or illegal), taxes wouldn’t be a problem. We would have a somewhat constant population rate from each generation, meaning that we’ll have taxes that are somewhat constant as well. Immigration activates these add-on issues; our state doesn’t need anymore problems and should focus on the existing controversies.
I don’t mind having legal immigration in our state… it’s just the huge numbers that Texas has to deal with. If our state improve the illegal immigration system and limit the approval of legal immigrations, maybe we’ll prevail before the issues become terminal and hopeless.